The web card trick is amazing. First we want you to pay attention to the routine in the video below ...
For this card trick you will need to learn The Flushtration Count. This is a card sleight that shows all the cards as blank and then you can change them all to cobwebs by changing the order of the cards and performing the sleight again.
1. The fake spider will require some sticky tape or double stick tape to be attached to it. This needs to be secretly placed on the back of the spectators hand when you grab their hand to use as a table top during the trick.
2. You hold the cards in your right hand and make sure the web card is on top of the cards in your hand face down. When you first do the trick card sleight it will appear that the cards are all blank. Then when you repeat the moves it looks as though the cards now have cobwebs on them.
You can present the routine however you like. It is really important though to let the volunteer helping you with the trick to see clearly that the cards are all blank and then magically the cobwebs appear. Your story makes for better magic!
Practice your magic and perform it well!